
September 30, 2024 || 11:00 am (et)


Planned Giving Policies with Integrity

Crafting, updating, and honoring gift acceptance policies for planned gifts.

September 30, 2024 || 11:00 am (et)

It may seem counter-intuitive, but gift acceptance policies are foundational for launching any successful planned giving program — not just having those policies, but honoring them.

While gift acceptance policies generally are important, in our time together, we will focus on planned giving specific policies (though much of it is transferable). With strong policies, you can avoid awkward questions from estate administrators, donors, and board members. Avoid the confusion and uncertainty every time a gift comes in by having a solid plan you follow with integrity — no need to “recreate the wheel” with every gift.

In this complimentary, one-hour webinar, you will learn:

  • why planned giving specific gift acceptance policies are important,

  • the simple starter gift acceptance policy we recommend,

  • the three drivers for updating the policy over time, and

  • why integrity in honoring these policies is vital.

We intend to record the session and send the recording along with the covered material for all who register. Use the link/button below to sign-up for this free webinar

Seating is limited to provide the best experience for those to attend. Sign-up now to save your seat.

When policy and integrity work together, a planned giving program can thrive.
Without both elements donors and staff are uncertain about what might happen, when they should know with confidence what will happen to a gift when the donor isn’t around to protect it.
Sign-up now to learn how to provide confidence through your planned giving gift acceptance policy.

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Space is limited.