
Peak 9860 is committed to providing the level of service your specific organization needs.  While we have standard services, they are meant as a guide while we work together to find the appropriate level of support. 

This video shares basic information about the service elements and what each means for your planned giving program.

Fractional Planned Giving Director

Ready to secure the future of your organization? Hire a fractional planned giving professional to make the most of the enormous generational wealth transfer. Among other things, your fractional planned giving director will:

  • Provide insight and guidance on planned gift acceptance policy.

  • Cultivate team, leadership, and board relationships.

  • Provide best practice counsel for gift processing and CRM integration.

  • Provide detailed database analysis, including planned giving potential, major gift potential, and recurring gift likelihood.

  • Determine the initial planned giving prospect list and initial cultivation.

  • Develop organizational-appropriate marketing plans.

  • Cultivate, educate, and congratulate donors.

  • Steward planned givers through the gift process and beyond.

We’ll create a comprehensive legacy giving plan…and implement it. Your fractional planned giving director is part of your team and provides a turn-key, “done for you” solution.

$3,500 - $5,700 per month
(Depending on portfolio size)

Guidance and Accountability Partner

Is the “tyranny of the urgent” keeping planned giving on the back burner? Split-focus (immediate and planned gifts) professionals face constant pressure to meet this year’s goals and needs; this makes it difficult to allocate time, energy, and budget to the unknown future.

If you already have the training, but need someone to help bring that to life, Peak 9860 can serve as your accountability partner. In our bi-weekly meetings, together we will:

  • Review and identify planned giving caseload

  • Craft intentional cultivating plans for prospects and donors.

  • Review and offer guidance for marketing efforts.

  • Serve as your subject matter expert so you never have to worry about stumbling into the unknown without a lifeline.

  • Steward planned givers through the gift process and beyond.

With the intentionality of scheduled virtual meetings and years of experience to provide guidance, we can move your planned giving activity off the back burner and turn up the heat. Together we can secure the future of your organization with a professional, legacy giving program.

$555 per month

Special Project?
Short-term Interim Staffing?

Planned Giving Program Analysis

$3,000 - $15,000

depending on program complexity

On-site visit

$3,000 per visit day

  • Out of town  Plus travel per diem of $900 for the first visit day and $350 for each additional visit day

    • Agreement-related discounts do not apply to travel per diem

  • 10 hours per visit day available for in-person meetings

    • These hours are in addition to any agreement-related hours

    • Visit day is a 24-hour period and could span two calendar days, time begins with the scheduled departure and ends with the scheduled return at home.

  • Time used for donor visits, team/organizational work, etc.

Stand-alone Program Development

$7,500 - $25,000

  • Gift acceptance policy

  • Initial prospect identification

  • Initial marketing plan crafted to your specificed budget

  • Gift administration procedures

  • On-going donor cultivation plan

    • Recognition society outlines

  • Optional:  Per hour service for the first six months after stand-alone implementation project

Per Hour Fee


  • Only available for:

    • The first six months after the implementation of a  Stand-alone Program Development package

    • Additional time  beyond agreement allotment

  • Full-hour increments only