Secure your Organization’s Future with Fractional Planned Giving

Our turn-key, done for you, program allows you to launch or grow your planned giving program with an experienced Planned Giving Director at a fraction of the cost.

Free up development staff time

Grow Your Endowment

Deepen your connection to donors

You know that your nonprofit needs a successful planned giving program to ensure the future of your mission but there is already so much to do.

  • Frustrated that other nonprofits are talking to your donors about planned gifts, but you can’t.

  • Concerned that you will trip over the needed technical knowledge.

  • Depressed by the idea of talking about “death” with your donors.

  • Exhausted just thinking about one more thing on your “to-do.”

  • Confused by all the jargon and not even sure where to start.

Fractional Planned Giving Directors are popular with nonprofits who know they need a sound planned giving program and program leader who can take them in the right direction, but don't need it 40 hours a week.

Consulting can give you the information you need and
help put together a plan
for success. But, then what?

Hiring a full-time planned giving pro sounds good, but the limited budget means you don’t get the experience you need, and high turn-over.

Action, not just words. You need a “done for you“ solution, lead by a seasonal professional, but you don’t need it full-time.

Check out this case study to see how fractional planned giving helped a fellow mid-sized non-profit.

Just three easy steps to making your planned
giving program a reality.

  • Schedule your complimentary introductory call.

  • Onboard your fractional Planned Giving team member.

  • Watch your planned giving program bloom.

Peak 9860 provides your nonprofit with seasoned professionals experienced in securing planned gifts and connecting with donors.

  • Rest assured knowing your donors have the same opportunities with your planned giving program as they do with others.

  • Years of experience and advanced training allows your fractional Planned Giving Director to share highly technical knowledge in easy-to-understand ways.

  • Connect with your donors, learn their story, and ensure their legacy with an estate gift to your mission.

  • Fractional Planned Giving Directors are part of your team, focused exclusively on growing your planned giving program.

  • The guided on-boarding call allows a deep understanding of your mission and provides the framework for success.

Explore our complimentary “What is Planned Giving” training.

This overview video training provides a solid foundation of what your fractional planned giving director will be doing for you.